Marie Holm, PhD
Voynnet-Fourboul, C., Holm, M.& Raei, M. (Eds.) (2025, in process). Spirituality for Leaders: Theoretical Insights and Practical Tools. Routledge: New York, NY.
Holm, M. & Islam, G. (2024). Peace of our Mind: Managerial Interventions and the Search for Collective Mindfulness. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 23(1): 128-157. (FNEGE & ABS Category 1)
Islam, G., Holm, M. & Karjalainen, M. (2022). Sign of the Times: Workplace Mindfulness as an Empty Signifier. Organization, 29(1): 3-29. (CNRS Category 1, FNEGE & ABS Category 2)
Holm, M. (2022). Mindfulness and more: Spiritual forms of meditation. Workplace spirituality: Making a difference. De Gruyter: Vienna, Austria.
Holm, M. & Thon-Adjalin, A. (2021). La méditation dans le contexte du leadership spirituel. Leadership Spirituel en Pratiques. Edition: 1 Chapter: 1 EMS Management Et Societés, Collection: Questions de société: Paris, France. Labellisé FNEGE.
Karjalainen, M., Islam, G., & Holm, M. (2021). Scientization, instrumentalization, and commodification of mindfulness in a professional services firm. Organization, 28(3), 483–509. (CNRS Category 1, FNEGE & ABS Category 2)
Patel, T. & Holm, M. (2018). Managerial Reactions to Ecological Concerns: The Role of Mindfulness. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(13): 2231-2256. (CNRS Category 3)
Holm, M. (2018). Learning to Live Well Together - Case Studies in Interfaith Diversity. The Learning Organization, 25(5):366-368. (CNRS Category 4, FNEGE & ABS Category 2)
Holm, M., Lemaire, J.P., & Amdam, R.P. (2016). A Case Study of Yara’s International Development: 2004-2008. CCMP (Recommended Case of Atlas/AFMI).
Holm, M., Amdam, R. P., & J. P. Lemaire. (2013). ‘Yara : Cas d`application, partie 1 et partie 2` in Stratégies d’internationalisation – 3e édition: Nouveau enjeux d`ouverture des organisations, des activités et des territoires. Dunod: Paris. p. 422-80.
Selected Recent Conference Papers
Patel, T., & Holm, M. (2024: June 7-8). Going back to go forward: Mindfulness-Based interventions for managerial change. Colloquium of the Management Spirituality and Religion division, Academy of Management.
​Sferrazzo, R., Guerci, M., Holm, M. & Islam, G. (June 2024). Falling from heaven: Tension between spirituality and management in business education. Philosophy for Business Ethics track, EURAM Conference: Bath, UK.
Holm, M. & Moulai, K. (June 2023). When bodies become the seat of gendered visits. Gender, Work and Organization conference. Capetown, South Africa.
Islam, G, Holm, M., & Moulai, K. (Aug 2022). “Mindformance” Putting Mindfulness in Practice in a Performance-Oriented Finance World. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Volume 1: Seattle, USA.
Holm, M., & Islam, G. (July 2016). Banking on Mindfulness: Presence and Performance in a Financial Risk Office. International Symposium on Process Organization Studies: Naples, Italy.
Holm, M., & Islam, G. (May 2016). Varieties of Spiritual Experience at Work: Institutional Trajectories of Alternative Mindsets Movements in the Workplace. Organisation Studies Workshop: Mykonos, Greece. *Also presented at Cass Business School (April 2016) and University of Innsbruck School of Management School (December 2016).
Patel, T., & Holm, M. (Jan 2016). Enhancing ecologically sustainable behaviors among managers through mindfulness. Organisation Studies Workshop: Mykonos, Greece.
Holm, M. (Mar 2016). Strategy of Yara International: Sustainable agriculture in Africa. A case study. Geopolitical Festival, Grenoble, France.
Holm, M., & Islam, G. (July 2015). New Spirit(ualities) of Capitalism: Mindfulness and the Dualities of Humanistic Management. EGOS Colloquium: Athens, Greece.
Holm, M., & Islam, G. (June 2015). Varieties of Spiritual Experiences at Work: Dualities of Humanistic Management. International Symposium on Process Organization Studies: Kos, Greece.
Holm, M., Lemaire, J.P., & R.P. Amdam. (May 2015). A Case Study of Yara’s International Development: 2004-2008, Atlas/AFMI Conference: Hanoi, Vietnam. (Nominated for Best Case Study; Recommended Case of Atlas/AFMI)
Holm, M. (April 2015). Secular spirituality within organisations: effectively enabling fulfillment of purpose and meaning at work. International Symposium on Spirituality in Management, ESADE Barcelona, Spain.
Holm, M. (March 2015). Comment améliorer le bien-être au travail : les perspectives de la pleine conscience et de la psychologie positive. Troisième journée d’étude et de recherche sur le stress au travail du CERGAM: IAE d’Aix-Marseille, France.
Holm, M. (October 2014). Corporate Mindfulness: Progress and challenges in implementing contemplate practices in workplaces. International Symposium for Contemplative Studies, Mind and Life Institute, Boston, MA, USA.
Keynote Speaker
Merging Science and Spirituality: Findings and Implications. (October 2015). Forum of Contemplative Science Research. Life Space: Saint Germaine en Laye, France.
The Role of Mindfulness in Sustainable Development. (August 2015). Academic Conference of the International Management Research Academy. Paris, France.
Round Table Speaker: The Science of Happiness at Work. (February 2015). Fabrique Spinoza. La Gaîté Lyrique: Paris, France.
Mindfulness at work: Effects on Well-being and Creativity. (February 2015). Norwegian Organisation of Spirituality. Haraldshjem Forum: Oslo, Norway.
Comment ralentir le temps : Vivre en pleine conscience. (November 2014). 11e Rencontres euro-méditerranéennes de Volubilis: Avignon, France.
Well-being at Work: Potential benefits and hazards of applying mindfulness. (August, 2014). International Management Research Academy. Paris, France.
Sustainability in the Shipping Industry: The Case of Wilhelmsen. 2007 Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. Oslo, Norway.
Credited for a contribution: foreword, research assistance, friendly review, translation and/or editing:
Raei, M., Guenther, S. & Berkley, L. (Eds.) 2025. Leadership at the Spiritual Edge Emerging and Non-Western Concepts of Leadership and Spirituality. Routledge: New York,USA. (Foreword)
Kirsebom, A. 2025. Healers' Secrets: How to develop your healing. (TBD) (Translated from Norwegian)
Kirsebom, A. 2024. Mediumship in Theory and Practice. Austin Macauley Publishers: London, UK. (Translated from Norwegian)
Nyobe, S. 2023. Antecedents to the Disclosure of a Stigmatized National Identity in Cross-National Work Settings. Management International, 28(2):1-24. (Credited for friendly review).
Getz, I. & Carney, B. 2013. Liberté et Cie. Flamarion: Paris, France. (Research assistant)
Getz, I. & Carney, B. 2009. Freedom Inc. Crown Business Publishing: New York, USA. (Research assistant)
Getz, I. 2009. Liberating Leadership: How the Initiative-freeing Radical Organizational Form has been Successfully Adopted, California Management Review, 51(4): 32-58. (Research assistant).